Monday, 13 October 2008

Monday, 6 October 2008

Sunday, 5 October 2008

graveyard for halloween

I Have build a graveyard to put on your land for halloween
The wall and the ground is sculpty for a realistic effect
in the box there is the graveyard (20 * 20 meters) and 62 prims - the graves (30 prims)
It is easy to build it : 1- you put the graveyard on your land and 2-afther you put the graves.
You can see my graveyard for halloween on second life here :
And also you can find a lot of decoration for halloween for a low price and freebee at the same place.
happy halloween

Friday, 3 October 2008

the noob is back !

an original FREEBEE for Halloween
a noob (a new resident of second life) in a tomb.
This noob appears when you touch the tomb
A joke and an original present to put on your land for halloween

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